Monday, December 31, 2007

Build A Winning 2008 From Your 2007!

In a few hours, 2007 will become a memory and 2008 will become our reality.

I'm sure we all have had both good and bad memories behind us. And on the eve of 2008, sometimes we just want to take one last look at 2007 and give it one last kiss before moving on ahead. For some, they would rather forget everything altogether, and 2008 can't get here fast enough.

But instead of forgetting the past, let us build upon the past!

To forget everything is to begin from ground-zero again. To start from nothing might sound nice, but it totally neglects the wisdom that has been gained from experience. To begin again from nothing doesn't guarantee that we won't make the same mistakes again in 2008.

There are 2 simple things we can do to build a winning 2008 from our 2007.

1. Draw Inspiration From Your Accomplishments And Victories

This is probably the easiest thing to do! Who wouldn't want to remember those positive experiences. Why, if there were more who were willing to listen, we'd keep on retelling them, right?

Faced with difficult situations, we could draw strength from these past victories in tackling present challenges. We could be our own cheer leader and encourage ourselves by saying to ourselves, "We did it before; we can do it again!"

I remember an instance when I was in high school. There was no club for a particular interest I had then. When I inquired how to start one, I was met with different obstacles - "No interest; No budget; No time; No facilities ...." Pretty discouraging but I pressed on anyway and got that club going. Even after graduation, that club was still going strong.

When I remember that, I'm encouraged to deal positively with a difficult problems.

2. Learn Your Lessons From Failures And Disappointments

This is probably not as easy as the first point.

Fact is, we'd rather forget our mistakes, failures, and disappointments. Not only do we want to forget, we want those who witnessed our pain to forget too!

But if we forget our failures without learning from them, we run the risk of repeating them!

I was reminded of this while watching a fight on TV. After the bout, the winner was interviewed about a chance to challenge the title-holder who defeated him before. When asked about that defeat, this fighter said that, in a way, he was sort of grateful that happened.

Puzzled, the interviewer asked him why. The fighter said that that loss had shown him the particular weaknesses of his skills. No matter how hard he trained, and how good he thought he was, there was nothing like a humiliating defeat that exposed the holes of his game.

Armed with that knowledge, he has since converted those weaknesses into strengths. Now, he claims that he was a much better fighter because of it. He proved it too, when the rematch took place. He defeated the champion in a convincing manner!

Two simple things. Yet what powerful effects they could have for our lives!

Have a fulfilling and prosperous 2008!


P.S. - By the way, as a fellow blogger, you may want to check this out!

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

What Do You Want For 2008?

2007 is fast coming to a close. And as 2008 looms closer, different folks have mixed feelings towards the coming new year. Anticipation, relief, dread - these are some of the attitudes people have, depending on what they've gone through this 2007.

And for some, there is a vague hope that 2008 would be better than 2007 -- somehow ... someway. But this passive waiting and hoping that circumstances will be better the next time around, will not really do the trick for you!

While it's true that there are circumstances over which we have no control over, don't make the mistake of underestimating your role in influencing and shaping the outcome of events -- yes, favorable outcomes!

The good news is that for you to do this, you don't need the esoteric knowledge of Harry Potter, the genie of Aladdin, or the special luck of the Irish. Fact is, the tools to make things happen are within your grasp already. It's so simple that it's so easy to overlook.

Ok, what do people normally talk about or do when a year is ending and a new one is starting?

Yup, you're right - RESOLUTIONS!

However, the effectiveness of making resolutions depend on how you approach this.

Do you approach your New Year's resolutions like a kind of a game?

You know, you make a list made up of fantasies, half-baked wishes that you came up with at the spur of the moment, wants you're really not sure you want and have no commitment to, or cute requests you want to show to your friends just for laughs.

Or do you go about your resolutions with a serious determination to see them happen in 2008?

In other words, what do you want and need -- really, Really, REALLY want and need for 2008?

The problem with some is that when asked what they want for 2008, they just shrug their shoulders, smile naively, and come up with a shallow, wishy-washy, and vague answer -- something like, "Uh ... what do I want for 2007 ... well, uh ... let's see ... 2007 wasn't really that bad ... but 2008 could be better. But on the other hand, it would be ... ok if it doesn't ... get better ... I guess ... Hmm ... I wish I could be happier ... a laptop would be nice ... and uh ... oh yeah ... World Peace!"

They really don't know what they want!

People who don't know what they want won't really see much improvement in 2008. I mean, how will you know you've arrived if you don't even know where you're going, right? If you don't aim for something, chances are, you'll get nothing ... or something second-best.

So determine right now what you want.

What do you want to see happen, achieve and accomplish for 2008?

What is it that you're willing to exert effort and sacrifice for in 2008?

If you don't see it completed in 2008, are you willing to pursue that in 2009 until you see it accomplished?

It's so important to clarify to yourself what you're going for in 2008. Give it some thought, and don't just be flippant about this. Be serious in defining your goals and targets for 2008.

Because when you know already what you're aiming for, you can implement positive actions that will bring you closer to your resolutions - your goals and wants!


Want to increase your income for 2008? Make more in your spare time here!

Technorati Profile

Friday, December 28, 2007

When The Unexpected Threatens To Screw Things Up ....

Have you experienced planning things out as carefully as you could only to have things backfire on you? Ever gone through a series of steps that promised expected results only to come face to face with the unexpected? Happens, right? But the question is, what did you do when that happened?

Here's how a grade schooler reacted when the unexpected threatened to
up his plans.

A grade school class was coming up with a Christmas play. Of course, the story of Joseph and Mary coming to the inn had to be told. There was one boy who wanted very much to play the role of Joseph. But when the parts were given out, Joseph's part was given to his biggest rival. Instead, he was assigned to be the inn keeper - the bad guy who turned Joseph and Mary away!

He was extremely upset about this. So during rehearsals, he kept scheming how to get even with his rival, who was playing Joseph. Then, it hit him! He knew what he needed to do to louse up his rival's performance.

Finally, on presentation night, Mary and Joseph came walking across the stage. They knocked on the door of the inn. The inn-keeper opened the door, and asked them roughly what they wanted.

Joseph then delivered his memorized and well-rehearsed line, "We'd like to have a room for the night." Suddenly, the inn-keeper opened the door wide and announced
loudly, "Sure! Great! Come in! Come in! And I'll give you the best room in the house!"

For a few seconds, poor Joseph was bewildered and didn't know what to do. This was not in the script, and was definitely not a part of their rehearsals! An uncomfortable silence followed.

Refusing to let this unexpected turn of events to screw him up, the boy playing Joseph thought quickly on his feet. He looked at the inn-keeper, then past him, slowly and deliberately looking first to the left and then to the right. Then Joseph said, "No wife of mine is going to stay in a dump like this. Come on, Mary, let's go to the barn!" And the play was back on course

Ha-ha-ha ... I laughed when I first read it and can't help laughing while reading it now. But while thinking about the story, I saw some insights that could help us when the unexpected threatens knock us off our feet.

1. Don't Lose Your Composure

When the unexpected suddenly confronts us, it's normal to be rattled an
d confused. However, when this happens, it's important to get a grip on ourselves, and not let these initial feelings overwhelm us. When we don't shut the door to these feelings, other emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, hopelessness, depression can come in and further muddle up our outlook.

When emotions control us, our judgment is clouded. We really don't see clearly. How many of us have said or done things out of anger only to regret those things when we cooled off later?

Remember, we may not have any control over some of the circumstances that come our way, but we certainly can control how we face these circumstances!

2. Think Creatively

From the author of "Positive Thinking," I read that every problem has a weak point. He said that we need to look at the problem from different angles so that we may develop an idea how to conquer it. If we can't find a solution through traditional and normal means, then we could explore other unconventional and unusual ways towards a solution. You've probably heard people refer to this as "thinking out of the box."

We need to train our minds to think creatively when dealing with situations, so that when an unexpected emergency takes place, we will be quick to think fast on our feet!

Be Positive And Act Decisively

When you find the solution to your problem, don't
hesitate and second guess yourself. A brilliant idea is impotent if not acted upon. Remember one of Newton's laws that states, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

You will never be any closer to your goal if all you do is wish you were there. However, every step forward it will bring you that much closer to your goal.

Take action. Release the power of the idea by putting it to motion in your life!

And as we come near to 2008, these are good things to reflect on, plan on, and act on. When the unexpected comes along, these tips can act as secure footholds so that we can still have favorable outcomes -- just like the boy who portrayed Joseph!


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Because of Christmas, Fear Not

Yes, because of Christmas, we no longer have to be afraid.

Yearly, as Christmas comes, we celebrate the event both in church as a community, and together with friends and family in our homes. As we gathered for our annual Christmas eve service, once more I heard the familiar words read from the Sacred Scriptures:

"Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:8-11)

For many around the world, this is what Christmas is all about. All other outward appearances - gift-giving, lights, carols, decorations, and general goodwill - are merely reflections of this spiritual truth.

But of the many things that could be discussed, what I appreciated is the fact that because of the Christmas event, the birth of the Savior into the world, we no longer have to be afraid.

Fear paralyzes us all.

A friend needed to get some supplies, and in order to do so, she needed to walk down a hill that wasn't that high or steep. She had a fear of heights, but as long as she was going up and looking up, she had no problem.

It's when she had to go down and look down. Her fear seems to magnify the distance from where she was to where she was going downwards.

She took a few hesitating steps to go down and suddenly froze in place. When we called out to her, she would answer us, but would never look our way. Her gaze was fixed on an imaginary place down the hill.

When we told her to back up, she'd say that she couldn't move -- either forwards or backwards. Finally, some friends had to go to her and help her out from her situation.

That's what fear will do to us.

It will stop us from doing what we know we should be doing, because of,

  • The fear of failure
  • The fear of looking bad and foolish
  • The fear of not knowing whether we'd be able to sustain our efforts
  • The fear of losing time and money

We can go on. Simply put, foolish fears are not good for us.

However, because of Christmas, we no longer have to fear. The wonderful gift that we have received has made it possible for us to succeed. In a manner of speaking, Christmas has stacked the deck in our favor!

And so, celebrate and rejoice! Because of Christmas, we have received another foothold that will assure us of favorable outcomes!


Holiday Cheers,

Get these gifts for your Christmas enjoyment,

(When you click the links below, they'll open to a webpage. Scroll a bit below and wait for the "Download file" to appear as the page loads fully. Click the "Download file" link to get your gifts. These are exe files, but don't worry, they're clean. No virus, spyware or any malicious scripts here.)

Download 12 Days of Christmas Here

Download 80 Seasonal Recipes Here

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Having A Merry Christmas Depends On ....

While driving, I once again heard the familiar lyrics of a popular Christmas song.

I was familiar with the song. I liked it. It brought good memories and feelings. And normally, I'd just sit back, continue whatever I was doing, and just enjoying the song.

However, today was different. With the first two verses, I zeroed in on the what the words were saying. I sort of tuned out the rest of the song and just started thinking about the beginning sentences.

Here's the beginning of this Christmas Carol,

"Have yourself, a Merry Little Christmas;
Make the Yuletide gay ...."

I told you you'd recognize it.

Ok, read those words again.

Simple, right? Nothing complicated about the simple message, right?

Alright, let me ask you this - Who's going to make your Christmas merry and your yuletide gay?

Does it depend on the gifts you receive, the invitations to parties you get, the bonuses that come your way, or that your career turned out to be more successful than that of your friends and siblings?

It would be so easy to blame circumstances as reasons why your Christmas is not what it should be. But why go that route? Why make something worse than it seems? Anybody can do that!

Be different.

Focus on the good, not the bad!

I remember the story of a man who focused on the good even though something bad happened to him.

He was on his way home with groceries he bought from his take-home salary. Some bad guys mugged him and stole everything he had.

When he got home, he told the story to his family. Upset, his family started complaining and murmuring - something about life not being fair.

So the man said, "Hey, c'mon guys ... snap out of it. There's still somethings we can be grateful for!"

One of his kids said, "Yeah? Well, like what Dad?"

And he answered, "Well, though they got all I had, they didn't get my life. Even though they got our groceries and money, we can still replace them. Though they forced me to hand over those stuff, they didn't really hurt me. And the sooner we snap out of this gloomy cloud, the sooner we can go about replacing those things we lost"

He absolutely refused to let the negative circumstances to rob him of the joy of living.

And I believe we can learn something from him.

It's our choice whether Christmas will be merry for us or not.

We may not have much control over what circumstance comes our way, but we can choose how we will react to it.

We have a choice whether we will let things bother us or not.

Focus on the good - the things that will make this occasion merry - and go with it!

This is another foothold that will give us another favorable outcome.

Ok, with that thought in mind, let's belt it out once more, with feeling!

"Have yourself, a merry little Christmas;
Make the Yuletide gay ...."

Cheers everyone!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Secret That's No Secret ....

I was going through the bookstore when a book title caught my eye. I noticed it because its author is one of the recognized successful marketers online.

The book title claims that its message is about, "The Greatest Marketing Secret In The World!"

Not "one of the greatest marketing secret," but "THE greatest marketing secret IN THE WORLD!"

Audacious, right?

I was intrigued!

Scanning through the pages, I was wondering what that secret could be. The author claims that "this secret," has given him a successful and profitable business.

Finally, I found the page where he reveals what the secret was. Keyed up, I thought he was going to say something that nobody, or only a very few, has ever discovered. And when I finally read what he claimed to be "the greatest marketing secret in the world," I was floored!

Do you know what he said?

He said that the secret that has made him successful and wealthy is - are you ready for this?


What?? Really? You're kidding, right? Can't be that simple!

I know ... those were my initial reactions.

And after coming out of my less-than-a-minute trance, I continued to read some more as he shared from his own experiences. After going through his stories, I was finally beginning to get it. I was beginning to see a pattern emerging.

In a nutshell, this is a summary of how he used this secret to succeed:

  1. He had products and services to sell
  2. He was facing formidable competition, many of whom had a big head-start over him
  3. He needed something that would give him the ability to run with the big dogs
  4. He started giving away valuable stuff his prospects needed
  5. He developed a relationship with his prospects who began to trust him
  6. His prospects reciprocated to his generosity and eventually became his loyal customers
And the rest, as they say, is history.

Simple, right?

And that's why it's a secret to many. Because of its simplicity, we tend to underestimate the value and power of giving. We fail to see what's always been there in front of us all along - hidden in plain sight.

But I'm glad someone pointed out to us what has been obvious all along.

The simple act of giving, is indeed a precious foothold that can result in favorable outcomes!

Cheers everyone!

Here are some FREE materials that I hope would help you with your endeavors,

Download The Internet Millionaire Code Here
Download Making Money Online - The Simple Truth, Here

Just wait for the download pages to load until you see the "download file" link. Click on that link and you're ready to go!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Wishing Only Works When ....

But before that ... Hello again!

Sorry for not being able to update this blog. But the reality of Christmas' hustle and bustle made its presence felt with the sudden flurry of urgent activities.

And I thought I could spend more downtime and catch my "zzzs" this season! I wish ....

Which brings me to what I'd like to talk about - Does Christmas wishing really work?

As kids, we made wishes for Christmas. We were all caught up with the notion that there was some sort of Christmas magic that made wishes come true. And I guess we've never really outgrown that. I still see friends and families making up wishes, no matter what their age.

But as grown-ups, we're more sophisticated. We call them wishlists. We see them at and other online stores that feature this. We see them posted at blogs and newsletters.

Nothing wrong with this. At least they represent our desires.

But merely wishing will not make things happen.

Wishes live in a hazy, dream-like, fairy-tale world. You know, the kind where when it happens, it's nice. But when it doesn't happen, well it was good while the dream lasted.

If we want see our wishes come true, then we need to these 4 ingredients.

  • A Burning Desire
Wishes must cease being mere whims and fantasies. They must become concrete, doable and reachable objectives that you can clearly see in your mind's eye. More important than that, you must not only see these goals -- you must see yourself achieveing these goals.

When you see yourself possessing these objectives, how do you feel about that image?

Does it turn you on? Do you get so excited you could actually taste the reality of it? Do you feel it's something that's worth paying the price for?

Not that I'm telling you to over-obsess, but you must want it bad enough that you almost come to the point of not wanting to live without it.

I just read over at Yahoo how Amazon paid almost $4,000,000.00 for one of J.K. Rowling's earlier books. $4 million for a book?? That's how bad they wanted it! Now, that's what I'm talking about!
  • A Committed Choice
Now that you know what you want, you must consciously and deliberately make a choice to act on your objectives.

It's not enough to say, "I wish I could earn some extra bucks to add to my current income." You've got to come to the point of saying to yourself, "I want to earn some extra money and I'm going to do something about that now!"

It should also be a quality and committed decision -- a decision you will keep even if you feel you may want to change your mind about this later on.
  • A Willingness To Work At It
You must be willing to do what you need to do in order to achieve this.

I'm amazed at so many people who say they want a better life, but will come up with so many excuses why they can't make it happen -- "No time; It's just too hard; It's too expensive; It's too far; It's too complicated; It's too painful, etc."

But for everyone who comes up with an excuse, there are many out there who're looking for ways to make things happen. For example, if you were a grandpa in your late 40's securely established in your current profession, would you choose to start over professionally? Not for this grandpa!

Need an education? Get it!
No money for tuition? Work for it!

The point is, learn the skills you need -- whether it's driving a truck, setting up a blog, designing a website, speaking a new language, giving a sales presentation, writing articles and reports -- so that you can do what you need to do to accomplish your goals.
  • A Readiness To Persevere Despite Delays, Setbacks, And Obstacles
Ah, if only we were living in a perfect world! Then all we would set out to do would end in "happily ever after."

But it's not a perfect world. Mistakes happen. Setbacks occur. Disappointments take place.

Just because you didn't succeed the 1st time doesn't mean you won't eventually succeed.

It is said of Thomas Edison when he conducted storage battery experiments, that he failed 10,000 times. When asked about this, know what he said? "Why, I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

10,000 failed experiments! Imagine that. How many would have even gone beyond 100?

When you fail, then simply get back up, and continue to press forward.

Don't worry, Champ, you'll get there!


P.S. - Have you finally decided to make some extra income online a reality? Avoid the pitfalls, know the basics, and stay with what works! You need to READ THIS FIRST!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Giving Your Way Out

I'm sure all of us want to get ahead.

If anyone's going to get the breaks, why not us?

If anyone's going to get the edge, why not us?

If anyone's going to get the advantage, why not us?

I mean, if anyone's going to get a big slice of the pie, why not us, right?

Problem is, there's about a million out there thinking the same thing. And because they believe they deserve to get what's theirs, they're all jostling for position, just to grab their piece of the action.

Now maybe it doesn't bother you to jump into this furious fray of elbowing, kicking, screaming, clawing, and spitting humanity, but there's a better way.

Instead of being a grabber, why not be a giver?

It's been said, "Give and you'll receive!"

Or maybe you're more familiar with what's being commonly used, "What goes around, comes around."

But however way you say it, the principle remains the same - the giver does not just benefit the one he gives to, but he also benefits himself. It works in all areas of life.

I know of a married couple who were on the verge of breaking up. Each one demanded their rights from each other. They were headed towards Splitsville until ... one of them stopped demanding and started giving to the other. Soon, the other one started responding, and started to give also. They ended up trying to outgive each other ... and stayed married to each other.

Even marketing people are beginning to get this. Ever seen the different giveaways going on?

I don't exactly know why or how they work- they just do!

So, in the spirit of the season, let's just go with the flow. Here are a couple of freebies and goodies you can avail of,

Giveaway # 1

Celebrate Christmas in Style!
Click here to Download FREE Celebrating Christmas PDF Magazine. Packed with illustrated articles on holiday recipes, crafts, home decor, party planning tips, gift ideas and family fun activities for Christmas.

Giveaway # 2

Top Internet Marketers have joined together in a giant Holiday Gift Giving bonanza. It's their version of the 12 Days of Christmas. Get to this page now, and see what all the excitement is about...
The 12 Days Of Christmas Grand Giveaway

Giveaway # 3

The Internet Marketers Christmas Paradise - This site offers a free membership that has more tools and resources in paid sites that I have seen! You need to hurry though they are only accepting new members until January 2nd, 2007.
Enter the Internet Marketing Christmas Paradise Here!

Giveaway # 4
Get Everything You Need To Succeed - FREE! Are you looking to make it online? Tired of the all pay and no get ways of the net? Look no further - All the tools and resources you need to succeed are! All for free!
Get our FREE Marketing System And Tools Here!

Season's Greetings Everyone!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Recover What You Lost

And I thought I had lost this blog!

This was the result of a virus that corrupted and made my Harddisk unreadable! All my password data were wiped out.

And while I was just doing some online research, I came across my old blog -- preserved somehow by Google. Amazing, considering that many have complained that their Blogs have been misplaced, deleted or simply lost by Google. Somehow, this 2005 post escaped the purge!

This a cool case of having lost something and having found it back!

Which leads me to ask,

* Have you ever lost your desire to succeed online?

* Have you lost your focus and vision?

* Have you lost the sense of fun of earning online?

You know -- when things don't really turn out the way you expected. You lose money when you expected to gain some. Your family misunderstands your attempts. Some of your friends still stick with you with an expression of sympathy that they're trying to hide. And some people don't even hide their laughter and ridicule.

It's like a sharp jab in your gut, right?

But know what? There have been countless others who have experienced what you're going through right now. And the good news is - some of them have come out from their so-called failures and have eventually succeeded!

Here are some tips I've learned from their overcoming their struggles.

1. Take Inventory Of Your Situation

This is perhaps one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, things to do.

After a setback, we really don't want to relive the pain of remembering. Normally, we just want to be done with it and move on.

However, it's important to take a hard look of where we went wrong. Without learning from our mistakes, we will eventually repeat them in a never-ending cycle of failures and disappointments.

Determine where you are right now. Objectively, see what you still have and what you no longer have. Work positively with what you have.

I had just watched the testimony of a woman who lost both arms in an accident. After moaning for awhile, she decided that even though she lost both arms, she still had both feet. She worked with what she had, training her feet to do what she could no longer do with her hands.

Today, she drives her own car, buys her own stuff, takes care of her husband and son, and lives life as normally as possible.

2. Take Charge And Drop The Blame Game

It would just be so easy to sit down, blame everyone and everything, become bitter and have a never-ending pity-party.

Let's say you're right. Say you really were not at fault, and that others really screwed you. It doesn't change your situation, right?

You may have been victimized, but you don't have to remain a victim!

You can do something about your situation. And the sooner you rise up and do something, the sooner you'll stop feeling bad about yourself.

3. Learn From Your Mistakes And Take Right Actions

This is the reason Tip # 1 was important.

Now that you know what things you did wrong, you could set out to do the right things.

I'm sure we've all had our times of "how I wish I did it this way ...." or "If only I could go back in time, I would ...." But going through the "what ifs" won't change our situation, and will just reinforce feelings of self-loathing.

To change our situations, we need to take action. Wishing won't do it. But taking action on what we've learned will bring the help and change we need.

4. Be Patient And Persevere

He-he-he ... I know -- we really can't get out of the hole fast enough!

Just because the right actions are not producing the expected results according to your schedule (which probably is something like, "I want this yesterday!"), that doesn't mean these tips aren't working. Of course they are. You just need to give them time to work!

Despite a seeming lack of results, and other obstacles, don't just quit and give up. Make adjustments if needed, but continue to persevere. Everyone I read about who has succeeded had to stick it out in the worst possible conditions.

Remember, no matter how bad your situation is right now, never overlook the good things that are going for you. Activate those good things by applying the tips we've talked about. And I believe that as you apply them, you also will become a success story.

Advanced congratulations then, Overcomer!

P.S. - Here are some free tools to help you succeed in you online businesses and endeavors