Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Wishing Only Works When ....

But before that ... Hello again!

Sorry for not being able to update this blog. But the reality of Christmas' hustle and bustle made its presence felt with the sudden flurry of urgent activities.

And I thought I could spend more downtime and catch my "zzzs" this season! I wish ....

Which brings me to what I'd like to talk about - Does Christmas wishing really work?

As kids, we made wishes for Christmas. We were all caught up with the notion that there was some sort of Christmas magic that made wishes come true. And I guess we've never really outgrown that. I still see friends and families making up wishes, no matter what their age.

But as grown-ups, we're more sophisticated. We call them wishlists. We see them at and other online stores that feature this. We see them posted at blogs and newsletters.

Nothing wrong with this. At least they represent our desires.

But merely wishing will not make things happen.

Wishes live in a hazy, dream-like, fairy-tale world. You know, the kind where when it happens, it's nice. But when it doesn't happen, well it was good while the dream lasted.

If we want see our wishes come true, then we need to these 4 ingredients.

  • A Burning Desire
Wishes must cease being mere whims and fantasies. They must become concrete, doable and reachable objectives that you can clearly see in your mind's eye. More important than that, you must not only see these goals -- you must see yourself achieveing these goals.

When you see yourself possessing these objectives, how do you feel about that image?

Does it turn you on? Do you get so excited you could actually taste the reality of it? Do you feel it's something that's worth paying the price for?

Not that I'm telling you to over-obsess, but you must want it bad enough that you almost come to the point of not wanting to live without it.

I just read over at Yahoo how Amazon paid almost $4,000,000.00 for one of J.K. Rowling's earlier books. $4 million for a book?? That's how bad they wanted it! Now, that's what I'm talking about!
  • A Committed Choice
Now that you know what you want, you must consciously and deliberately make a choice to act on your objectives.

It's not enough to say, "I wish I could earn some extra bucks to add to my current income." You've got to come to the point of saying to yourself, "I want to earn some extra money and I'm going to do something about that now!"

It should also be a quality and committed decision -- a decision you will keep even if you feel you may want to change your mind about this later on.
  • A Willingness To Work At It
You must be willing to do what you need to do in order to achieve this.

I'm amazed at so many people who say they want a better life, but will come up with so many excuses why they can't make it happen -- "No time; It's just too hard; It's too expensive; It's too far; It's too complicated; It's too painful, etc."

But for everyone who comes up with an excuse, there are many out there who're looking for ways to make things happen. For example, if you were a grandpa in your late 40's securely established in your current profession, would you choose to start over professionally? Not for this grandpa!

Need an education? Get it!
No money for tuition? Work for it!

The point is, learn the skills you need -- whether it's driving a truck, setting up a blog, designing a website, speaking a new language, giving a sales presentation, writing articles and reports -- so that you can do what you need to do to accomplish your goals.
  • A Readiness To Persevere Despite Delays, Setbacks, And Obstacles
Ah, if only we were living in a perfect world! Then all we would set out to do would end in "happily ever after."

But it's not a perfect world. Mistakes happen. Setbacks occur. Disappointments take place.

Just because you didn't succeed the 1st time doesn't mean you won't eventually succeed.

It is said of Thomas Edison when he conducted storage battery experiments, that he failed 10,000 times. When asked about this, know what he said? "Why, I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

10,000 failed experiments! Imagine that. How many would have even gone beyond 100?

When you fail, then simply get back up, and continue to press forward.

Don't worry, Champ, you'll get there!


P.S. - Have you finally decided to make some extra income online a reality? Avoid the pitfalls, know the basics, and stay with what works! You need to READ THIS FIRST!

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