The stories, the laughter, the tears, the food, the wine, the songs and the music all flowed memorably to make up a night that could only be summed up in one word - UNFORGETTABLE!
And all thanks to the organizing and systematic planning of my three sisters - Chinky, Yellie, and Annette.

And I'm not writing this to campaign for my sisters' elevation to the status of demi-goddesses (maybe in an alternate universe, but definitely, not here!), but to bring out some tips that brought about desired results.
1. They Knew What They Wanted
It wasn't a case of just hoping something good would turn up. They defined what they wanted. They had a GOAL.
We may not be having parties at the moment, but this principle applies to just about any area of our lives. We have a choice - just to drift through life, or navigate towards our expectations. But it goes without saying, to reach our expectations, we need to know what those expectations are.
We need to define our objectives. We need to be clear about what we want and where we want to go. Without a target, we wouldn't know where to aim. In other words, we simply must have GOALS to shoot for.
Therefore, let's set some quality time to discover what GOALS we want for our lives.
2. They Planned How To Get What They Wanted
Now that they knew what they wanted, they planned how to get there. From a list of possible selections, they chose the elements that would most likely bring about what they were aiming for. The choice of locations, the decor, the resource persons to contact, the music and songs, the ambience, and the program script were carefully planned out.
We may know what we want, but if we just sit down in a corner somewhere, twiddle our thumbs, and just wish that we'd get what we want, the odds of us getting what we want are stacked against us. I mean, if that's all we needed to do to get what we want, then nobody has to work to get them, right?
I was talking with someone about a business objective. This person is immensely talented in what he does. But for some years now, he's been lamenting about how he could make profits if he only had the needed equipment.
But what he doesn't realize is that he's been making some darn, good products with the basic equipment he has now. Sure it takes him longer, and he probably wouldn't be able to take as many orders, but he at least has something to work with.
We discussed the possibility of starting on a limited basis. Maybe 2 orders a month would be all he could do at the moment. But from the earnings he'll make from this, he could build up the equipment he needed. He could at least start right away, instead of adding another year to the countless years he talks about what he wants to do.
I was suggesting a simple plan that would allow him to start right away. He seemed doubtful, and simply whined about not having the right equipment. It's a pity because others with lesser talents, opportunities, and equipment are actually making money with the little they have.
Let's chart a course towards our objectives. It may not be a perfect plan, but it's better than nothing.
3. They Went After What They Wanted
Now that they figured out what they wanted and how they would go about getting it, they put their plan into motion. People were called, appointments made, deals sealed, reservations confirmed, contracts signed and deposits paid. And the rest, as they say, is history!
And this is possibly one of the most crucial, if not the most crucial, part of the success journey. After defining the goal and formulating the plan, some get cold feet and fail to act on their plan.
Great intentions will never see the light of day without the needed action!
Don't wait for circumstances to mystically align according to your liking. Normally they don't. And even if they do, it's not something you can count on on a consistent basis.
Don't wait for your goals to come to you as if by magic; go after them!
Make these simple tips your footholds to achieve your favorable outcomes.
Thanks Bro!!! I'm so happy the party turned out really REALLY well. We captured what we were aiming for. But admit it, YOU had a HUGE HAND in it, too! It was truly an unforgettable night - glorious...heartwarming...PERFECT! Loved, loved, LOVED your blog!!!
Thanks S (Sister?),
I admit I helped. But without you guys spearheading that thing, there would've been nothing to help with, right?
Anyway, couldn't have blogged about this without your efforts for the pahr-teeh, mah deah!
Hey, how thrilling to be included in your (profound) blog & even see a pop art picture of us (good choice, hahaha!!!). What can I say? I believe this event tops all other events we have planned in the past. BIG THANKS for giving us SOOOO MUCH credit, but I really have to hand it to HIM, our AWESOME Lord Jesus Christ who continued to guide us, lead us, given us the strength, gave us the ideas, the words, the creativity. . . Months before Mom's birthday, Chinky & I have been in prayer for the culmination of this event. And look how He made it happen. . . Yeah, what a night!!! Thanks for bringing the Fudge Fam here, and for doing the prayer, the invocation & the toast (superbly done!!!). . .
Hello Yellie,
Yup, I agree with you. "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it ...."
Without the Masterbuilder's touch, all our labors would be for nought!
Still, good job though ladies!
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Hello Rakee,
Thanks for posting your comments. Appreciate your positive statements.
Will be giving your recommendations some further thought.
Thanks again!
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