Saturday, December 08, 2007

Recover What You Lost

And I thought I had lost this blog!

This was the result of a virus that corrupted and made my Harddisk unreadable! All my password data were wiped out.

And while I was just doing some online research, I came across my old blog -- preserved somehow by Google. Amazing, considering that many have complained that their Blogs have been misplaced, deleted or simply lost by Google. Somehow, this 2005 post escaped the purge!

This a cool case of having lost something and having found it back!

Which leads me to ask,

* Have you ever lost your desire to succeed online?

* Have you lost your focus and vision?

* Have you lost the sense of fun of earning online?

You know -- when things don't really turn out the way you expected. You lose money when you expected to gain some. Your family misunderstands your attempts. Some of your friends still stick with you with an expression of sympathy that they're trying to hide. And some people don't even hide their laughter and ridicule.

It's like a sharp jab in your gut, right?

But know what? There have been countless others who have experienced what you're going through right now. And the good news is - some of them have come out from their so-called failures and have eventually succeeded!

Here are some tips I've learned from their overcoming their struggles.

1. Take Inventory Of Your Situation

This is perhaps one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, things to do.

After a setback, we really don't want to relive the pain of remembering. Normally, we just want to be done with it and move on.

However, it's important to take a hard look of where we went wrong. Without learning from our mistakes, we will eventually repeat them in a never-ending cycle of failures and disappointments.

Determine where you are right now. Objectively, see what you still have and what you no longer have. Work positively with what you have.

I had just watched the testimony of a woman who lost both arms in an accident. After moaning for awhile, she decided that even though she lost both arms, she still had both feet. She worked with what she had, training her feet to do what she could no longer do with her hands.

Today, she drives her own car, buys her own stuff, takes care of her husband and son, and lives life as normally as possible.

2. Take Charge And Drop The Blame Game

It would just be so easy to sit down, blame everyone and everything, become bitter and have a never-ending pity-party.

Let's say you're right. Say you really were not at fault, and that others really screwed you. It doesn't change your situation, right?

You may have been victimized, but you don't have to remain a victim!

You can do something about your situation. And the sooner you rise up and do something, the sooner you'll stop feeling bad about yourself.

3. Learn From Your Mistakes And Take Right Actions

This is the reason Tip # 1 was important.

Now that you know what things you did wrong, you could set out to do the right things.

I'm sure we've all had our times of "how I wish I did it this way ...." or "If only I could go back in time, I would ...." But going through the "what ifs" won't change our situation, and will just reinforce feelings of self-loathing.

To change our situations, we need to take action. Wishing won't do it. But taking action on what we've learned will bring the help and change we need.

4. Be Patient And Persevere

He-he-he ... I know -- we really can't get out of the hole fast enough!

Just because the right actions are not producing the expected results according to your schedule (which probably is something like, "I want this yesterday!"), that doesn't mean these tips aren't working. Of course they are. You just need to give them time to work!

Despite a seeming lack of results, and other obstacles, don't just quit and give up. Make adjustments if needed, but continue to persevere. Everyone I read about who has succeeded had to stick it out in the worst possible conditions.

Remember, no matter how bad your situation is right now, never overlook the good things that are going for you. Activate those good things by applying the tips we've talked about. And I believe that as you apply them, you also will become a success story.

Advanced congratulations then, Overcomer!

P.S. - Here are some free tools to help you succeed in you online businesses and endeavors

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