I received an email today that makes you realize just how important life is. You should not allow it to just pass you by. For this blog's purposes, I would just like to comment on the stunning statement it makes ....
Three things in life that, once gone, never come back

Time is an ever-flowing stream. Whether you want to or not, it's always moving forward. The minutes and seconds that pass you by are gone - forever!
In the TV series "Heroes," one of the characters called "Hiro" has the ability to stop time. When things are moving too fast, he simply freeses time, thinks about his options, and unfreezes time, continuing from where he left off. In the movie "Back To The Future," the characters are able to go back in time and make some simple changes that alter their present outcomes!
However, we don't have these make-believe abilities. We can neither turn back nor stop time. The only time that we have is our here and now. We can either waste it, or make the most of it.
Ever spoken words that you wished you could have taken back? I know I have. Our words can either make us or break us. Much more sobering though is this truth - our words can build or destroy somebody else.
There are people with great potential that never amount to anything simply because they've heard all their lives, "You're a failure and will never amount to anything in life!" However there are those who have gone through some of the worst tragedies and have emerged victorious because they have heard encouraging words all their lives, "This failure is not final. You are greater than this. You will find a way to overcome. You can do it. I believe you can. I have faith in you!"
Was there ever a time you wanted to tell someone how much you appreciated them, but you let the moment passed? Funerals are full of these. How often I've heard people say, "I never told them how much I loved them."
Time is linked with opportunity. As time passes, so does the opportunity to maximize that time passes also. But just as there is coming time, so there are coming opportunities also. But there are differences. The opportunity you get today may be different from the opportunities you've had in the past.
What can we learn from this?
Use time wisely. Set your goals and zero in on them. It's possible to just drift through life, but why drift when you can optimize it, right?
Choose your words wisely. Speak healing words, not hurtful words. Speak them to yourself and to others. Remember, you have power over your words. And words have power. Use that power to work for you and others.
Use your opportunities wisely. Strategize for best results. Remember, plan your work and work your plan. Doesn't mean you can't be flexible. You can make adjustments along the way.
It's your life - maximize it to the fullest!
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