But what about the other end of the spectrum? What about having too many goals and resolutions?
You've listed goal after goal and resolution after resolution concerning weight, career, money, travel, budgeting, online business plans, relationships, quitting smoking, quitting too much drinking, quitting gossip, quitting the tendency to quit resolutions when things get difficult, quitting this, quitting that, doing this, doing that, etc.
Dutifully, you've listed them as blogs, articles, talk shows and others have preached about the importance of them. But now, as you look at this list you have compiled, you feel a certain swelling of pride. But as your eyes jump from one goal to the other, that pride begins to change to uncertainty. From uncertainty to mild panic, and from that, to a full-blown sense of being overwhelmed!
You have to too much on your plate and you don't know where to start. Too many resolutions and goals have left you feeling swamped. Resolution overload is now threatening to shut you down.
What to do?
1. Take A Break
Sometimes, when things get too overwhelming, you need to distance yourself. Take a walk and clear your mind. Breathe in, breathe out. Quiet your mind. Let rest come to your spirit. This is probably one of those times when it would be good to sleep on it and face the task again with a fresh outlook.
2. Go Back To Your List With Calm Objectivity
Remember, the list you made is a tool to help you, not a master to enslave you. The Resolution List is your friend. You will not run away from it nor pretend it doesn't exist. You are its master and not the other way around.
3. Sort Your List
Determine as best as you can which are the most important ones. You could probably use a scale of 1 - 5 to help you in rating them. Try to do that until you could isolate the top 5.
4. Focus On ONE Goal
I know, I know -- each one needs to be done. But choose one to start on. Better to get 1 out of 5 done, instead of sitting around for 3 months not getting anything done because you can't make up your mind on which to start on.
5. Plan Your Strategy
Try to work out a plan how you're going to accomplish that goal. Write down a simple step-by-step plan how you're going to go about your plan. It doesn't have to be complicated. Just a simple plan you can follow.
Keep notes of this to help keep your mind on your plan. Post notes in your mirror. Keep notes inside books and notebooks you use. Use the digital equivalent if you're more tech-oriented.
6. Work Your Plan
Now that you've planned it, NOW DO IT!
The best plans are useless when they are not executed. Don't get cold feet now. Act on what you have planned. Action - your action - is what's going to make your plan come to fruition.
Plan your work and work your plan. Lights. Camera. ACTION!
7. Stay With It Until You Get Results
Give it your best shot and don't quit until you finish. So maybe you hit some snags along the way. Find solutions to those and persevere. And if you don't get exactly what you want, you at least achieved something. That's better than getting 100% of nothing because you never dared to start.
The point of this is to get you some momentum and help you gain the confidence that comes when you exert effort in accomplishing your objectives. Hopefully, this new-found confidence will spur you on to greater accomplishments of your other goals and resolutions.
We Can Help You Devise A Strategy To Achieve Your Goals!
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