-- Mark Twain
When I read that quote, I had my doubts. But the more I read it, the more I realize how true it is. This seems to apply in most areas of our lives. Think about it.
Concerning Relationships
What disappoints you most about the one who got away -- The fact that you didn't do anything and that person just slipped away from your life, OR that after you made your move, that person just didn't want a more intimate relationship with you?
Concerning Business
What was more disappointing -- The business idea that didn't become a reality because you never acted on it, OR the one that you tried to put together but crashed and burned?
Concerning Sports
Was it the tournament that you never dared to join, OR the one that you joined, and got eliminated in the very first round?
I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

We go through life once, and throughout our journey, we will be faced with many opportunities to be involved. But will we keep passing them by with different excuses? Too high, too low; too expensive, too cheap; too near, too far; too hard, too easy.
A guy once sat nervously in train terminal in a far Province. He was thinking of going into the big city to try succeeding as an athlete. After all, his friends kept telling him that he was fast and strong. When watching their sports favorite on TV, they kept hooting how he'd run circles around these big-name bozos.
But now that he was actually on the verge of putting his dreams into effect, he has been nervously postponing his decisions. He has allowed the previous trains to leave without getting on them. Now, the last train was leaving in 30 minutes.
He struggled to make a decision - should he go or not? To clear his mind, he decided to walk among the shops across the terminal. He drifted in and out of shops, had coffee in one, and struck up a chat with a shop manager. Finally, he made up his mind - he was going to go!
He ran back to the terminal. When he tried to buy a ticket, he was informed he missed the last train. He made up his mind 10 minutes late!
Because he dilly-dallied in deciding, the circumstances decided for him!

He never really went back to the terminal the next day. Something came up. Something always did. 40 years later, he sits watching his favorite sport on TV, wondering what would have happened had he gone when he had the chance. But he, you and I would never know now, would we?
Sucks right?
Avoid the disappointments Mark Twain talked about. Put into action your goals and plans. If things don't turn out the way you wanted, you at least have the satisfaction of knowing that you did something.
Target your goals. Plan your strategy to get there. Then go for it!
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